Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Star, if Born

I did something very bold today. I faxed a submission to the Washington Post for possible publication in their Sunday column: "Life is Short - Autobiography as Haiku." I originally wrote it out on the back of a to-do/shopping list this past Sunday. I typed it into Notepad when I found approximately 5 minutes in-between taking care of my mother (my drama is my mama). I did about 10 edits before I felt satisfied that it would at least receive a rejection letter, rather than be sent directly to the "round file." I had no idea how hard it is to write about your life (in the now), in 100 words or less. It so happens that I actually cross paths, on occasion, with writers who live in the same town that I do. The honest ones say there is no glamour being a writer, it's alot of thankless work done while wearing sweatpants, and no going out to 3 martini lunches everyday (sorry boys, but the women writers are the ones who have said this very thing to me. Unfortunately, the men writers I have met so far have heads puffed-out to the size of hot air balloons and would never admit it). It has always been a dream of mine to be a writer (this sounds SO cliche). I want to be an "unprolific novelist." I just want to write one profoundly deep, soul-moving tome. Like Harper Lee. Or Margaret Mitchell. I know I could be a excellent essayist. I am a huge fan of the Op-Ed page. Time will tell if I will burn bright.


Blogger Mary said...

Margaret! awesome. You will be so glad you started a blog.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Will you share your entry or are you waiting to see if it get accepted?

7:55 AM  
Blogger Margaret III said...

Ok, sisters, your comments posted at the crack of dawn - I wish I had known you were up that early!
Yes, I will share my entry. Three (3) guesses what it's about and the first 2 don't count! (insert sarcastic LOL).

9:29 AM  
Blogger Margaret III said...

Oh, wait. Maybe the post time is actually PST (Hi California!). That would make alot of Silicon Valley sense...

9:32 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Yeah I was definitely not up at 4:50.

11:03 AM  

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