Sunday, September 10, 2006

I Have Returned! (to Florida, that is)

I know, I know, who really cares, except for my family, friends and pets. But that's ok. I am back in the tropics after a hellish trip home, and yes, I did stop in Virginia Beach to see my son and his new digs. It's a very cute house, in a very cute neighborhood. The house is devoid of furniture, more or less, but the living room is filled with amps and guitars (boy, are his neighbors in for it!). They may not care however, as F-18's fly over alot, and while I think it is wild to see and hear, my son says everyone living there complains. My response: "Do Not Buy House In Military Air Space If You Want Peace & Quiet."

There are two items I would like to note, and that is the 40th Anniversary of Star Trek, which aired for the first time on September 8, 1966 (this past Friday). I was also was home in time to see the launching of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, whose launch was supposed to take place last week while I was still in Virginia, and was postponed due to Tropical Storm Ernesto (bitter irony there). I am actually able to see the shuttle blaze across the sky from where I live, south of Cape Canaveral. It is fascinating, to quote a certain Vulcan. I also sky-watch for the Space Station, and when the STS is docked to it, it makes the watch a little more exciting.


Blogger QUASAR9 said...

hi Margaret,
So you are literally
only one step away
from becoming a real Trekkie. lol!

It must be awesome
to know that people
can get into shuttle
or future spacecraft
and literally go out on a limb
to the edge of space
the hostile frontier.

Not Science Fiction
but Science Fact

12:04 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

PS - To animate the blog
You have to put yourself out there.

Here's few simple tips to fun blogging

12:09 PM  
Blogger Margaret III said...

Thank you Q! I have yet visit the Kennedy Space Center this summer, as I was sidetracked up north, but I am hoping to go soon now that I am back. The exhibits change all the time. I know my blogsite is sorely lacking for pictures, but I will be adding those as soon as I can. It's time consuming to post, read and comment on your own blog, let alone getting to read other blogs that you are interested in (like reading your blog page!). Thank you again for the info. Dashboard and I spend alot of time together...

4:21 PM  

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