Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Dogs Are Cold!

I don't just mean my feet, either. My little doggies are here in Virginia with me (yes, I am back up here again - long story) and they are quite shocked at having to do their "business" as it were, on top of snow and ice. These are Florida, sunshine havin', warm weather canines. I can tell they think we have landed on Mars or something. My husband bought Boomer (my Chihuahua) a sweatshirt to wear to help keep him warm. He absolutely hates it. Twenty-two dollars down the hole. Trust me everyone, dogs HATE wearing stuff, but I do like seeing Labs in bandannas. I don't know why. I guess it's the cute factor. PS - both my dogs were "homeless." I have had both of them a long time now. Boomer came from the Humane Society (now there's an oxymoron) and Pinky was abandoned. Just as I have to get them through this unplanned winter visit, I also have help them through the winter of their lives. But I will never regret giving either of them a home or my love, no matter how tough things get.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Revenge of Phil

I think Punxsutawney Phil has had enough. Despite the fact that he DID NOT see his shadow this past February 2nd (which supposedly predicts an early Spring) he said nothing about the weather conditions for rest of our winter being hunky-dory. I think that after years of being ripped out of a warm burrow at the crack of dawn, Phil has apparently had enough. The freakishly cold weather being suffered in the Northeast is Phil's Gotcha! Or perhaps, it is Mother Earth trying to hang on to her hat a little bit longer before global warming finally creates Hell on Earth. Stay warm everyone, and please remember to "Love Your Mother."

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's a New Year! (duh)

Well, I see I have really let things blogs, logs, posts, emails - you name it. I haven't posted squat, mainly because I have allowed life to happen when I have made other plans (this is a John Lennon quote somewhat paraphrased). So, I will make this one of my "New Year's Resolves" - write or ELSE! I will, and have, returned to the land of Blog.